Haylumminate & Night Markets

Witcombe Place, Lachlan St

28/03/2024 5:00 pm - 28/03/2024 8:30 pm

Haylumminate is a family event on the Thursday evening before Easter.

Markets, food and ilummination.
Each year there is a theme for the ilummination and this year the theme is:
'These are a few of my favourite things'.

Everyone in the community is invited and encouraged to enter. Simply find a few of your favourite things and complete THIS FORM LINK to upload them as an image. Or you can email to Hay Tourism

Arrive at Haylumminate enjoy the markets and see your art/images come to life in ilummination on our buildings.

To book a free market stall call the Visitor Centre 02 6993 4045

Contact Details

Phone: 02 6993 4045


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